Friday, November 18, 2011

Big Brother 13 Episode 17 Recap plus POV Spoilers

We begin today′s Big Brother 13, Episode 17 recap and POV spoilers with first returning to the end of Thursday night′s live show. Brendon is back in the house with his beloved Rachel after defeating Lawon, who was evicted during the vote. The two battled it out for the right to be in the game and Brendon won. Naturally, this made Rachel very happy and had the opposite effect on Danielle and Kalia. Dick Donato′s daughter, Danielle, is once again the HOH for Big Brother 13. Image Credit: Nikki Nelson / The HOH competition followed and Danielle managed to win it. Needless to say, this put targets back on Brendon and Rachel. Brenchel then held a meeting with Jeff, Jordan, Shelly and Adam to firm up their alliance. Later, Danielle basically invited, or ordered, Brenchel to her HOH room for a conference. Danielle is seeking some assurance and deal. Rachel told her that she is ready to call a truce for the rest of the summer. Brendon was also willing to promise no nomination for at least a week, maybe more. Both suggested to Danielle that she deal with the floaters, Shelly, Adam and Porsche. Danielle wound up talking [...]

Albrecht Durer
stainless steel rings
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